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Popular science & Media

Root and branch reform: Swedish scientist makes fuel from tree waste. Read the news Here. 2019-01-23

Ny forskning: "Trädens klister" kan blir bensin och diesel. Click Here to read the news on SVT Nyheter. 2018-12-23

Från lignin till bensin - En ny process ska omvandla lignin till drivmedel (From lignin to gasoline - A new process converting lignin into fuel). Click Here to read the article in Precess Nordic. 2018-11-15

Lignin is the new cellulose – Science Slam 2018-09-14
Video Link. More information please contact PhD student Krithika Ravi.

Framtidens Forskning, 2017-06-28

Lignin – skogens nya guld (in Swedish only)

LTH Nytt, 2015-06-03

På spaning efter skogens guld (in Swedish only)


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